
Pigasus thinks pigs can fly just fine, thank you very much.
What does she make? Basically, whatever floats her goat at the moment!
She dabbles, a little of this, a little of that. Though currently focusing on leather goods and metals (jewelry), she’s also dabbled in photography, printmaking, and ceramics (and has even created tracking journals for ceramics), and has an interest in beads, enamel, glass, metal clay, and stone. So, some of all of that and possibly more might be found here.
Pigasus is by no means an expert at everything, or, really, anything presented here. What’s that saying? Jack of all trades, master of none? Something like that. Have you found anything helpful, inspiring, or intriguing? Anything you think she got wrong? Either way, let her know.
Feel free to stalk, er, follow her on: