Who Knew?

Who knew running a small (teeny tiny itty bitty) business would take so much behind the scenes “stuff” beyond the actual making of the product. Such as?

All this — and more:

  • deciding what to make,
  • deciding to actually selll what you make,
  • logo creation,
  • dusting off old skills,
  • maker mark creation,
  • basic tool purchases,
  • basic supplies purchases,
  • more tool and supplies purchases,
  • learning new skills,
  • tracking inventory,
  • tracking supplies,
  • tracking expenses,
  • even more tool and supplies purchases,
  • tracking revenue,
  • pricing of products (much as we might want to, we can’t just give everything away, or it’s not a business after all),
  • inventory, expenses, and revenue tracking combined with product pricing software (couldn’t find what I wanted so I made a prototype; might someday flesh it out and make it available to others),
  • business registration,
  • sales tax license,
  • learning when to collect sales tax,
  • sales tax collection,
  • sales tax remits,
  • aaaaand even more tool and supplies purchases,
  • income tax Schedule C filing (and/or other added filing beyond strictly personal tax forms, dependent upon your business type),
  • website creation (or in my case, revamp),
  • Etsy store established (or in my case, rebooted),
  • Social sites — how many can you juggle at once? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Other(s)? — you decide,
  • and so on and so forth!

This list is by no means exhaustive (though might well be exhausting), but if you’re wondering where to start it might be of help to you. :0)